Thursday, 6 October 2016

Happy Thursday!

We had a great day!
In the morning we had gym, snacks and morning circle time.
Next we did our pumpkin investigation where students were asked to describe the outside of the pumpkin, we counted the lines on the pumpkin, students were asked to guess what would the pumpkin feel like on the inside and they also guessed how many seeds we would find.
We opened the pumpkin, JKs had the opportunity to use their senses to investigate.

In the afternoon we played "hot pumpkin pass it on" and practiced numeracy skills by using the 10 frame. The concept of one to one correspondence is introduced as a precursor to counting with meaning. When children begin counting, they can often sound off the numbers from memory without giving it much thought. This is called "rote counting." Assigning meaning to the numbers, by helping the child understand that the number 1 represents one object, number 2 represents 2 objects, etc. Before, counting with meaning can be taught, children will need to understand how to match groups of equally numbered items or one to one correspondence.

To finish off the day we had extra recess outside as the weather was beautiful!
Students attended French and Gym classes and also had the Show and Tell presentations.
Have a great long weekend everyone!

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