Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Happy Tuesday!

We had a fun day!
We began our day with our morning circle time where the special helper led us on our calendar counting, weather, 100th day of school counting, songs and a story titled "Franklin is The Boss". We talked about what are some ways we can show we are caring towards or family and friends. Caring is one of the learner profile attributes. We will be talking about the learner profile attributes throughout the year.
Then we had our language time (daily five - listen to reading) right after snacks. Today we read the story "The Kissing Hand".
We had a discussion about the story. Students then completed a journal page (daily five - work on writing). In our journal today I observed that some of the JKs were scribbling, which is fine! I just want to let you know about the writing process in the kindergarten years. Students drawings are their writings and JKs make no distinction between the two when asked to write. JKs then begin to make separate marks representing "writing" apart from their drawings, a key developmental event indicating that they have begun to grasp the functionality of writing as separate from illustration. These early marks are often directionless scribbles. These scribbles then begin to take on features of written text children see in their environment, becoming horizontal and moving from left to right on a page.
For students that are already grasping the functionality of writing, I encourage them to use more details in their drawings. As the year progresses students will start to write words and short sentences phonetically.

In Math we continued working with numbers and completed a cutting and pasting activity where students had to put numbers in the correct order.
In our UOI/Science we talked about how it is important to be active and how we use our bodies to play, we then played musical chairs. It was nice to see students following instructions for the game! :)
We finish the day with Art class and pack up.
Today students also attended gym and French.
Have a great evening everyone!

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